Journey of Discovery of Emotions and Perspectives of Global Solo Challenge Skippers

Cole Brauer, GSC Photo ©Cole Brauer

Days pass quickly at the GSC, but for the skippers, each hour and day is filled with novelty and surprises: some pleasant, others more challenging to face. The ocean, relentless, delves deep into the souls of the sailors. The saltwater, wind, and waves that stress and wear down the equipment of the boats in the great adventure of the GSC, act in the same way on the sailors. Facing the challenges scattered along their route, they discover countless hidden aspects of their personality and find the resources, to rise again after each difficulty, that they never thought they had.

For the full artice on perspectives from GSC, skippers, see

The GSC bills itself as an around the world, budget friendly, single-handed non-stop race by the three great capes. The starts are staggered, with the first start in August 2023.

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