Solo woman leading Golden Globe with 200-year-old weather routing technology!


Kirsten Neuschäfer (ZAF), the leader of the Golden Globe Race, holds a commanding position as she is first  to reach the South East Trades.
Racing yachts around the world use computerized weather routing programs to optimize courses against satellite weather data. It’s the norm! Both are banned in the Golden Globe but the current leader and only woman in the race, South African Kirsten Neuschäfer, found the perfect solution for her best route home to Les Sables d’Olonne after rounding Cape Horn.
She consulted Ocean Passages of the World with its 200-year-old weather routing charts, historical weather and suggested routes from the original clipper sailing ships. Following that advice is now paying strong dividends sailing through the tricky horse latitudes! She sailed out to the east and is now in a commanding windward position as she reaches the South East Trades ahead of the rest of the fleet.
See full release:
Photos: GGR / Nora Havel

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